Release/Reader Appreciation Party–April 6-7

Posted Mar 30 2013, 3:43 pm

Next weekend I’ll be celebrating the release of Down by Contact, Seattle Lumberjacks Book 3 and sending out some love to my loyal readers.

At 9 a.m., PDT, on Saturday, April 6, I’ll post the contest rules. It’ll be easy with lots of choices: Like my Facebook Pages and follow me on Twitter. If you already do, don’t worry, you’ll get credit for it. Also comments on the contest post next week will also get entries. The contest will end at 6 p.m., PDT on Sunday.

I’m still thinking about prizes, but so far:

  • First Prize:  $100 gift certificate to Amazon, Barnes & Noble, All Romance EBoooks etc. (I’m open to other bookstores if I can get a gift certificate from them).
  • Second Prize (2): $25 Gift Certificates to Amazon or Barnes & Noble or All Romance EBooks.
  • Football/Seattle Lumberjack swag packs.
  • Jami Davenport print and ebooks

So drop in next Saturday and win big!!!!!

1 Comment


One response to “Release/Reader Appreciation Party–April 6-7”

  1. Timitra says:

    Looking forward to it!